30+Years of Glory
In1995, Shender successfully passed the joint examination and approval of theEquipment Center of the General Administration of Sport of China and theChinese Billiards & Snooker Association for the standard snooker tablesused in international competitions, and began to sponsor diverse large-scalesnooker competitions at home and abroad, stepping to the international stage.
In1996, the snooker table produced by Shender has become the designated snookertable for the "Tiantian Cup" National Snooker Competition and the"New Jinhua Cup" National BilliardS (snooker) Competition.
In1997, Shender began to sponsor the "RILEY Cup" InternationalBilliards Star Challenge Competition and title and sponsor the "ShenderCup" National Billiards Competition.
In1998, "Shender Cup" World Snooker Championship was held. In the sameyear, Shender snooker table became the designated snooker table of the"Shangde Cup" National Billiards (Snooker) Elite Competition andShender titled and sponsored the "Shender Cup" National Snooker TVChallenge.
In2006, Shender titled and sponsored the Asian Billiards (Snooker) HegemonChallenge Competition and its snooker table became the designated snooker tableof the "Far East Cup" National Snooker Competition.
In2007, Shender sponsored the first China Nine Ball Rank Match in the wholeprocess, and the Shender nine-ball table became the competition snooker tablefor the highest-level domestic competitions. In the same year, Shender wasawarded the honorary title of the "Outstanding Contribution Company ofGuangdong Sports Industry" by the Sports Bureau of Guangdong Province.
In2008, it titled and sponsored the Asian Snooker Open Tournament and its snookertable became the designated table for the tournament.
In2010, its snooker table became the designated table for the snooker project ofthe Guangzhou Asian Games. In the same year, it also signed cooperationagreements with International Billiards & Snooker Federation (IBSF), AsianConfederation of Billiard Sports (ACBS), European Billiards & SnookerAssociation (EBSA), and Oceania Billiards & Snooker Federation (OBSF) forproviding the only designated snooker table, which was the Shender princesnooker table, for official competitions.

2010 Guangzhou Asian Games

2010 Guangzhou Asian Games Signing Ceremony
In2011, Shender snooker table became the only designated table for the snookerprojects of the Southeast Asian Games held in Indonesia and Myanmarrespectively.
In 2013, the company sponsored the snooker competitions of Columbia World Games; and at the same time, Shender began to cooperate closely with Thailand Billiards & Snooker Federation.

2013 Shender&EBSA Signing Ceremony

2013 ThailandSix Red Ball International Competition
From 2010 to 2018, Shender snooker table has been the only designated table for Thailand Six Red Ball International Competition for eight consecutive years. And it is also the designated snooker table for the annual snooker tour open competitions and ranking competitions in Thailand.

2016 ThailandSix Red Ball International Competition

2016 IBSF World Championships
From2010 to 2019, Shender prince snooker table has been the only officialdesignated snooker table for IBSF World Championships for 9 consecutive years.

2013 Shender&IBSF Signing Ceremony

2016 IBSF The World Team Snooker Championships
In2021, Shender began to cooperate with the Libyan Billiards & SnookerFederation and its snooker table became the designated table for snookercompetitions in Libyan.